ctrl, the original optimizations & render discord which has been acquired(1) and turned into Hone in early 2021.
- To be honest with you I'm not even sure what exactly happened to it, "acquired" might not be the term, anyways the Hone server used to be ctrl.
fr33thy & capetlevrai for getting me into making zips of tweaks back in the day.
- Chris Titus Tech & PoshGUI for getting me into PowerShell
temp for original batch OptiFine patcher(1) & revisions
- I've since made my own library for game patching in PowerShell, it's equivalent today is
- I've since made my own library for game patching in PowerShell, it's equivalent today is
dark theme color palette heavily inspired from pmydown-extensions docs, thank you facelessuser 🥰
- teo: AMD (AMF) OBS settings
- Ashank: Intel (QuickSync) OBS settings
- zazk: Apex settings
- pepay: lightmap/overlay
- tellinq: obs themes &
- atzur: reenc & git
- vladaad: ffmpeg batch scripts, git and very clever dissing of diagonal people
aetopia, chalice, tellinq, he3als(1), vladaad, atzur, frost (2), june and all of the staff for keeping the discord (somewhat) sane
synthicy for designing/helping set up the old
- squidfunk for mkdocs-material, the documentation framework you're reading right now.
- manu for the banner art
- tekno for blur, mifi for losslesscut, vouk for voukoder, the list goes on for all programs mentioned on ctt
- amine
& strafie