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Premiere Pro

Start by opening up your Export settings by going into File -> Export -> Media...

You may make your mind and choose between H.264 and H.265 in the Codec guide

In Encoding Settings -> Performance if you have another option than Software Only, you're able to export using hardware accelerated encoding, see the link above

After selecting Voukoder in the format drop down, configure the encoder by going into the Voukoder tab and clicking Configure...

At the bottom Time Interpolation is a very important setting:

  • Frame Sampling: Excess of framerate of your footage in comparison to the output Frame Rate will be dropped
  • Frame Blending: Excess of framerate of your footage in comparison to the output Frame Rate will be blended together, giving it a motion blur effect, it's very common for people to agree that Premiere Pro's is the fastest but worst looking, consider pre-rendering with Smoothie

Don't forget to save your preset for later use

This will save as a .epr file in %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder\12.0\Presets