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FFmpeg is most known for being a tool for handling multimedia (notably Audio & Video). It's a swiss army knife when used in scripts. It's backbones are also available as a library and used by countless programs.

It can do any and all of these at once:

  • Convert from one codec to another, or simply copy to transfer it without touching it (-c)
  • Cut videos (LosslessCut uses FFmpeg for that) (-ss -to)
  • Add/remove/merge audio/video/subtitle tracks (e.g multiple -i/-input)

And a lot, a lot of other useful stuff


You can use the Scoop package manager to easily install it to PATH

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force
irm | iex
scoop.cmd install ffmpeg

todo: explain this in text

the link in description in question:

You can use your favorite manager

todo: make content tabs for all package manager commands


There are three main "fftools":

  • ffmpeg: For handling audio, videos, etc. The swiss army knife
  • ffplay: A video player that makes use of ffmpeg's decoding abilities
  • ffprobe: Probing tools to gather information on a video/audio file's formats and specifications


This section contains scripts for you to use for specific tasks so you don't need (though we recommend) to learn how to use the CLI and FFmpeg