- https://optifine.net/downloads
- https://optifine.net/adloadx?f=preview_OptiFine_1.8.9_HD_U_M6_pre2.jar
- https://optifine.net/adloadx?f=OptiFine_1.7.10_HD_U_E7.jar
You can overclock and tweak your PC all you want, the simplest and most important things to check are in-game settings:
- Make sure
Fast Render
turned on if you struggle with your FPS, this is the most impactful setting for performance, - If you don't mind, disabling
Custom Sky
will help a bit. - Putting
Render distance
to 4 is enough for practice in my opinion. - If you don't have a good GPU, consider playing in
, it can significantly increase performance. - You can turn on Smooth FPS to lower Minecraft's GPU utilization (e.g to leave more for OBS' NVENC usage)
Go to ESC > Options > Video Settings.
- Video Settings
: FastRender Distance
: 4-8Use VBOs
: ON- In newer versions of the game, VBOs are on by default and cannot be toggled off.
- Performance
Smooth FPS
: OFF- Turning this on will lower framerates can help with OBS performance issues if Minecraft is taking too much resources. (todo: see if this improves frametimes)
Fast Render
: ON- Having Fast Render on will disable shaders on 1.7 to 1.12. This includes Motion Blur, Menu Blur, and Color Saturation.
Fast Math
: ONRender Regions
: ON- OFF if you are on an integrated graphics card, including Apple silicon.
Smooth Animations
: ON
- Quality
: OFFAnisotropic Filtering
Partly taken from Lunar Client's FPS Issue solution article