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Writing Resources

Here's a list of stuff I use to write personal stuff / CTT-related resources, and a few misc things to manage the discord

External discord resources

🔗 🔗 Thread-Watcher: FOSS discord bot that keeps your threads from archiving

Bock pings on discord

This only works for direct @mentions

This does not block people replying to your messages with mentions on

If you often get solicited on your Discord with unnecessary pings, you can block people from @ing you by making an AutoMod rule that blocks your user ID from being mentioned

Simply go in Server Settings -> Safety Setup -> AutoMod -> Scroll down and click Create Block Custom Words

In Choose your words add the following: (replace your ID)

you can add as many users as you want (separate them with commas,,,,,)

In Choose a response you should block the message, Send alert in a channel where you can read what people pinged you about

If you still want to be pinged by important roles e.g. moderators, add Allow certain roles or channels

Searching stuff on Discord

  • On the mobile app, you can search through all of your DMs
  • On desktop, you can sort by oldest
  • YouTube descriptions are included in search results
  • Search for mentions of a user or channel by querying <#channel_id> / <@user_id>

  • The has: from: during: tags all work, they'red documented here

  • The previously mentioned tags can be used cumulatively
  • @me can be used as a shorthand for your own account's id, can be used try searching from:@me
  • If you don't want ANY filter and just have a list of all recent messages across everything you can just do after:2015

Discord CDN files linked outside of Discord expire, if they haven't been deleted you can send the link in any chat to revive it, try it with this:

Searching websites

  • DuckDuckGo has !bangs, learn them.

  • Google websites have a handy before:YEAR search operator, e.g. search about a subject before it becomes trendy

  • Chromium browsers let you search a website by typing it's name in the search bar and typing TAB, e.g. open new tab press Y, it auto suggests, press TAB and type your search query