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Quality of Life


Volume mixer that opens in one click for Windows

You can turn off the old volume control in the taskbar settings -> Turn system icons on or off


A program regrouping a myriad of small but useful utilities, notable ones being:

  • Always On Top: Make focused window stay-on-top with Win+Ctrl+T
  • FancyZones: Make pre-defined window layouts per-monitor, start dragging a window, hold SHIFT and release it in the zone you want
  • Color Picker: type Win+Shift+C to transform your cursor in a color picker
  • File Locksmith: File used by another process, which? right click the file and select File Locksmith to find out

  • 📦 winget install Microsoft PowerToys

  • Chocolatey: choco install powertoys -y


anage all your PC components RGBness in one non-bloated login-less program (I just use it at startup to load a profile with everything turned off)


Record / screenshot your screen/window/selected region and annotate/censor/add emojis to it, then copy it to clipboard/upload it/save it somewhere

Notepad Replacer

Redirects any program or file associations executing notepad.exe to your desired program

Hotkey Resolution Changer

GUI tool to change resolution, you can set up hotkeys, it can also sit quietly in tray


When holding ALT, you can drag windows around without needing to do it by clicking the title bar, you can do it from anywhere

ALT right clicking resizes the window from the closest angle your cursor is closest to


Fixes mismatched (in resolution, physical size and alignment) monitor support.

You know how a cursor not continuing on the right horizontal axis when moving from a monitor to another that have a different resolutions..